Technical Assistance

Our Attorney of the Day (AOD) consultation service offers expert legal technical assistance to attorneys, nonprofit staff, criminal defenders, and others assisting immigrant clients. We offer case-specific consultations on immigration law and practice.

How Our AOD Service Works

Our expert attorneys are available to answer inquiries by email or phone consultation appointment. To discuss rates and set up a contract, please contact our AOD Administrator at or (415) 255-9499. Please note that our attorneys will not respond to inquiries unless payment for services has been arranged.

Our AOD service operates Monday through Thursday. Our attorneys will answer your questions within 10 business days, excluding Fridays. Questions received after 5 pm Thursday are treated as received on Monday morning.

"As a solo practitioner, I have found the AOD technical assistance service invaluable over the years, as the attorneys at the ILRC are like my mentors looking over my shoulder! I have been able to establish a system in which I can clarify any doubts that I may have on any given issue, and what I really appreciate is the fact that the ILRC has a vast amount of resources, practice advisories, and articles that they incorporate into their legal advice. The AOD service is affordable and has helped me to grow in my knowledge of the ever-evolving field of immigration law, making me a more confident and professional immigration attorney and advocate!"

Meredith Brown
Law Office of Meredith R. Brown