
This webinar, hosted on November 30, 2018 by ASISTA and ILRC, is intended only for advocates and attorneys who work advancing the rights of immigrants, and is not for media attribution. Panelists discuss the implementation of the updated NTA guidance for humanitarian cases like VAWA self-petitions, U visas, T visas, SIJS, I-730, and related adjustment applications.  Panelists also provide practice tips for navigating the risks for clients and advocacy suggestions.

If you are interested in accessing the recording, please contact Cecelia Friedman Levin, cecelia [at] asistahelp.org, or Alison Kamhi, akamhi [at] ilrc.org.

Panelists: Cecelia Friedman Levin, ASISTA Senior Policy Counsel; Alison Kamhi, ILRC Supervising Attorney; and Jessica Farb, Directing Attorney, Immigration Center for Women and Children.