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In 2024, USCIS issued a new Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, with more lengthy and complicated instructions on evidence that could be included. This guide will help practitioners understand what documents naturalization applicants must submit to the USCIS to accept and adjudicate the N-400 form and when to submit each document.
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These three charts, updated in 2025, outline the different requirements for acquiring and deriving citizenship. Because the law governing acquisition and derivation has changed many times and is generally not retroactive, these charts detail what the eligibility requirements are depending on the time period in question. Each chart has extensive footnotes that provide explanations about the legal requirements, possible arguments where there is any ambiguity, and cites to further resources.
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On August 12, ILRC provided feedback to USCIS on recent changes made to the acquisition of citizenship portion of the USCIS policy manual. ILRC commended the agency for providing clarity in some of the sections and provided suggested language that should be incorporated into the policy manual to ensure that all eligible applicants – including those who were previously denied and are now eligible due to changes to USCIS policy – are able to access the process now and obtain proof of their acquired citizenship.
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On July 15, 2024, the ILRC along with Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) provided comment on Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions. ILRC and DREDF urged the agency to remove a question that conflates the disability exceptions for English and civics testing with waivers for the oath of allegiance.
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Every applicant for naturalization should complete a Red Flags Checklist before applying for naturalization to help gauge their eligibility and determine if a more thorough screening is necessary.
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The last update to Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, was April 1, 2024. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) only accepts the current version of the form. The ILRC developed an annotated form to assist practitioners and volunteers in completing the N-400.
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Recently, USCIS has conflated guidance for naturalization disability waivers of English and civics with waivers of the oath requirement for persons with disabilities. The confusion stems from USCIS’s addition of a question on oath waivers on the N-648 disability waiver form. These are separate waivers with distinct purposes, legislative histories, and administrative guidance.
This practice advisory will describe the enactment of the oath waiver and current USCIS guidance as well as describe the ways that it is distinct from a waiver of the English/civics requirement.
This practice advisory will describe the enactment of the oath waiver and current USCIS guidance as well as describe the ways that it is distinct from a waiver of the English/civics requirement.
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ILRC wrote to USCIS leadership on behalf of local programs representing naturalization applicants with disability waivers in LA County USCIS. Despite major changes to the USCIS Policy Manual and Form N-648 on October 22, 2022, this office of USCIS resists implementation of the new guidance and continues to be dismissive and hostile towards applicants with disability waivers.
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ILRC submitted this comment on the N-600 Certificate for Citizenship on October 26, 2023, with suggestions on how to make the form more accessible and consistent with current law and policy, thus increasing access to citizenship.
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In December 2022 USCIS announced that it was starting a pilot project to redesign the English/civics test for naturalization. If the pilot test is adopted, applicants will face a more difficult English/civics exam. This community explainer breaks down some of those challenges, and how advocates can push for a more inclusive process of naturalization.
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This quick guide shares how to check your Selective Service registration status. For various applications with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), providing proof of registration with the Selective Service System is a vital part of qualifying for immigration relief. Learn more with this step-by-step guide.
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This FAQ provides an update on immigration application filing fee changes that were recently proposed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
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On June 20, 2023, the ILRC submitted a comment to USCIS regarding the proposed changes to From N-400, Application for Naturalization. ILRC commended the agency for a number of positive changes that streamlined and shortened the form. ILRC also made several suggestions to USCIS to clarify and narrow the information required from applicants to ensure that only relevant information is collected on the form.
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The Immigrant Legal Resource Center submitted this letter on June 16, 2023, to thank USCIS for the many changes that have already been made to the USCIS Policy Manual and to provide further recommendations for changes to the Policy Manual that USCIS can immediately implement to increase access to immigration benefits and reduce backlogs. The letter provides suggestions that include ongoing recommendations from prior letters and engagements as well as new ones.
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On March 8, ILRC provided comments on the USCIS proposed fee rule. In the comment, ILRC commended agency actions codifying fee exemptions. Additionally, ILRC requested that USCIS codify fee waiver eligibility standards and raise the income threshold for fee waivers. We also requested that fee increases be reduced for applications for lawful permanent residence, work authorization and family petitions, among others. Finally, the comment provides requested changes to various USCIS forms that are open for comment in conjunction with the proposed fee rule.
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On December 9, 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that they will automatically extend the validity of Permanent Resident Cards—also known as green cards—for those who apply for naturalization on or after December 12, 2022. This FAQ covers what the changes mean, how the implementation works, and more.
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Federal Rulemaking is one of the most direct ways that the public can participate and shape policies and practices of executive agencies. Federal regulations govern the executive agencies charged with enforcing the United States’ immigration laws and granting immigration benefits to eligible applicants. However, the process of Federal Rulemaking is often misunderstood and public participation in the process is under-utilized. This practice advisory provides an overview of the federal regulatory and rulemaking process as well as the authorities that govern this process as well as a guide to commenting on proposed rules and practical tips for navigating the resources available to the public.
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This alert describes recent changes to the naturalization disability waiver. On October 19, 2022, USCIS announced major revisions to the Form N-648, which is used by naturalization applicants who seek a waiver of the English and/or civics requirement based on a disability or impairment that causes the applicant to be unable to learn or demonstrate knowledge of English and/or civics. USCIS also published major changes to the accompanying USCIS Policy Manual guidance.
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On July 14, 2022, the ILRC submitted a comment to USCIS about Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. ILRC requested that USCIS revise Form N-400 to be shorter and to request information that is only relevant to eligibility for naturalization. ILRC also encouraged USCIS to do away with its practice of re-adjudicating underlying forms at the naturalization stage – a practice that is burdensome in time and resources and discourages eligible Lawful Permanent Residents from engaging with the naturalization process.
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This advisory describes the various ways that persons with disabilities can navigate the naturalization process, including requesting accommodations, seeking an N-648 disability waiver of the English/civics requirement, and applying for an oath waiver. The advisory describes recent changes to the USCIS’s policy manual and upcoming changes to the N-648.