Citizenship and Naturalization

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Citizenship and Naturalization
On July 15, 2024, the ILRC along with Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) provided comment on Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions. ILRC and DREDF urged the agency to remove a question that conflates the disability exceptions for English and civics testing with waivers for the oath of allegiance.
On April 1, 2024, the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new version of Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. All applicants for naturalization must use this new form. To help attorneys, USDOJ accredited representatives, and others learn how to complete this new version of the form, we have developed a new step-by-step guide. It provides instructions on how to complete the Form N-400 and includes tips on how to best approach common issues related to eligibility and possible red flags, as well as practical considerations for submission.
Recently, USCIS has conflated guidance for naturalization disability waivers of English and civics with waivers of the oath requirement for persons with disabilities. The confusion stems from USCIS’s addition of a question on oath waivers on the N-648 disability waiver form. These are separate waivers with distinct purposes, legislative histories, and administrative guidance.

This practice advisory will describe the enactment of the oath waiver and current USCIS guidance as well as describe the ways that it is distinct from a waiver of the English/civics requirement.
ILRC wrote to USCIS leadership on behalf of local programs representing naturalization applicants with disability waivers in LA County USCIS. Despite major changes to the USCIS Policy Manual and Form N-648 on October 22, 2022, this office of USCIS resists implementation of the new guidance and continues to be dismissive and hostile towards applicants with disability waivers.